We offer a family of personalized programs and services.  The programs listed below are illustrative.  Each presentation, workshop, or program is customized to match the specific needs of our clients.

1. Presentations
•  Fundamentals of innovation, value creation, and entrepreneurship.
•  Lean start-up company formation.
•  Organizational design for innovative success.
•  International business development.
•  Financial metrics for evaluation of innovative performance

2. Workshops from 0.5 to 3.5 days
•  Innovation and value creation.
•  Organizational design for innovative success.

•  Change management.
•  Team formation and collaboration.

3.  Enterprise design
•  Benchmarking innovative potential.
•  Creating organizational innovation architectures that “assure” high-value innovative results.
•  Staff development programs
•  Staff certification, including Silver, Gold, and Platinum designations for innovative skill achievement.

•  Ongoing collaboration to optimize innovative outcomes.

4. Executive engagements
•  Individualized programs to diagnose and resolve issues inhibiting innovative outcomes.
•  Review and active participation in the development of new innovation initiatives.


Meeting with Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak after giving the keynote address at the Prime Minster’s National Economic Forum




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Talking to Silicon Valley executives about innovation best practice




Giving a presentation about innovation including the contributions of Doug Engelbart (shown on the screen), the computer graphical interface pioneer









Len Polizzotto and Curt working in Bangalore, India


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Holding an interactive workshop on innovation in Tokyo, Japan
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A workshop on innovation in Taiwan