Practice of Innovation

"The way we work is our most important innovation." Observations by Curtis R. Carlson


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7th Grade Innovators

The Girls Middle School Program that Develops Graduates with Valuable Life Skills A crowd had assembled at Google’s auditorium to see one of Silicon Valley’s yearly highlights.  It was Entrepreneurial Night.  Forty young women from the Girls Middle School (GMS) had assembled in teams of three to five to pitch their new companies to a panel of Silicon Valley venture capitalists.  As the girls presented their value propositions, some of.. Read More

Quartet Playing, Value Creation, and Active Learning

Chamber music helps define effective value creation methodologies “More people should play chamber music, even if they don’t play very well. They could learn a lot for their lives as human, social beings. It greatly helps to have a common goal. And the goal in our profession is so dominant, so interesting, and so varied that it’s worthwhile making the effort.”    Members of the Alban Berg string quartet   My.. Read More

3 Rules for Interdisciplinary R&D

Practices to Profoundly Improve Performance Note: this is from a YouTube I posted under Innovation for Impact (i4i), Curt Carlson Hi, Curt Carlson here with my value creation tip for the week.  I want to talk about a very important issue that can profoundly impact the prosperity of the United States — and the world. That is, how we can become much better at conducting interdisciplinary research, which is the.. Read More

Different Value Creation Methodologies

A Family of Different Value-Creation Methods If you are like me, you are likely confused by all the different forms of Agile, Lean, SCRUM, Lean Startup, I-Corps, Waterfall, Six Sigma, and Funnel.  Then, after you figure that out, the next questions are to understand what method to use in a given situation?  Here are some thoughts on those questions. I gave an online speech this week, Innovation for Impact, at.. Read More

Innovation for Impact (i4i)

Properties of an i4i Enterprise My friend Steve Denning wrote a paper that describes some of the characteristics of an Agile enterprise.  Agile is a popular methodology that Steve writes about at Forbes almost every week.  He asked me how I would define an enterprise using our Innovation for Impact (i4i) methodology.  As I have written about here, an early version of i4i was used to create HDTV, Siri (now.. Read More
